The Imperial College Engineering Faculty Newsletter has identified Biomechatronics Lab venture Serg Technologies as a "Spinout to watch in 2020"!
Biomechatronics Lab Director Ravi Vaidyanathan comments for New Scientist on ground breaking brain-robot interface work at University of Grenoble Alpes in France.
The Times of India has published an article on using robots from the Biomechatronics Laboratory in therapy for dementia patients with our collaborators in the Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) India
Biomechatronics Lab director Ravi Vaidyanathan is interviewed by the BBC on the London Gatwick pre-Christmas shutdown due to fears of an drone-aircraft collision
The Biomechatronics Lab was one of a tiny froup of British Technologists invited to showcase their work at 10 Downing sreet for the garden reception for the Prime Minister's Roundtable event with Tech industry recently (